What is PGT
The only way to determine if an embryo is predicted to be affected with a genetic condition or chromosomal disorder prior to achieving pregnancy.
Reliable Information for Family Planning
Reproductive Genetic Innovations offers state-of-the-art technologies to test embryos for Aneuploidies, Structural Rearrangements, Human Leukocyte Antigen and many different Monogenic (Single Gene) Disorders.
Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)
RGI is a recognized leader in the field of assisted reproductive technologies and has performed Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) for thousands of families all over the world.
PGT-A determines if an embryo contains the normal number of chromosomes prior to pregnancy, transfer of which can optimize the success of an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycle and reduce the chance of miscarriage.
Getting startedPreimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic / Single Gene Defects (PGT-M)
PGT-M detects genetic conditions prior to pregnancy, including autosomal dominant, recessive, X-linked, and de novo conditions, which can help at-risk couples have children free of their family’s genetic diseases.
PGT-M allows for the selection of embryos free of a specific genetic disorder while avoiding the difficult decision about the outcome of a pregnancy following abnormal prenatal test results. RGI tests for some of the rarest conditions, offering customized test set-ups not available at other labs.
Get startedPreimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements (PGT-SR)
PGT-SR identifies structural chromosomal abnormalities caused by rearrangements, including translocations, inversions, deletions and duplications, prior to achievement of a pregnancy.
PGT-SR allows for a viable pregnancy, reducing or avoiding the chance of a failed implantation, miscarriage and/or the birth of a child with congenital anomalies, resulting from an unbalanced chromosome translocation.
Get startedPreimplantation Genetic Testing Human Leukocyte Antigen (PGT-HLA)
PGT-HLA identifies embryos that are HLA compatible with a child who is in need of a bone marrow or cord blood transplant used to treat a sibling affected with certain blood disorders.
PGT-HLA is requested by couples where a previous child is in need of a bone marrow or cord blood transplant due to a genetic disorder. In planning future pregnancy, not only is it desired to have a child without the disorder, but an HLA-compatible child whose umbilical cord blood can be used for stem cell transplantation, to provide normally functioning bone marrow.
Get started
Pioneers in Preimplantation Genetic Testing
RGI performed the world’s first PGT for single gene disorder by polar body sampling
Developed PGT for chromosomal aneuploidies using polar body analysis
Introduced Multiplex Nested PCR analysis, remaining the main tool for avoiding PGT misdiagnosis
1999 -
Performed the world’s first PGT for HLA matching
Published “PGD Atlas” First Edition; Second Edition – 2005; 3rd Edition -2014
2011 –
Developed approaches to PGT for conditions caused by De Novo mutations
2014 –
Performed the world’s first case of PGT for Prion disorder
2016 –
Introduced the first systematic application of combined PGT for monogenic and chromosomal disorders
Helped facilitate the birth of over 10,000 healthy babies