Affordable Testing

RGI Helps Patients and Providers Navigate Financial Questions and Insurance Issues

At RGI, we take a personal approach to billing by providing individualized financial consultations to patients. Following your initial consultation, RGIs billing team will walk you through your financial options and help establish a payment process, even if your insurance policy does not provide coverage for preimplantation genetics testing services.

We provide assistance, guidance and transparency to help navigate your in-network and/or out-of-network insurance plan(s) and/or direct billing to manage cost expectations.

Helping Address Specific Questions
Navigating In-network vs Out-of-Network Coverage
Providing Financial Counseling for Patients
Offering Simple Direct Billing Options
Supporting Billing Staff at IVF Clinics
Helping Obtain Pre-Authorizations When Possible
Simple Invoicing and Summaries for Patients Submitting Their Own Claims

Even if In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is not considered medically necessary by an insurance provider, some parts of genetic testing (for example, select tests, PGT setup and/or the embryo biopsy) may be covered.

Unique plans process claims differently. Insurance coverage is plan-specific; coverage varies and costs are based on the services and procedures provided. However, not all services required for PGT can be submitted to insurance. Detailed financial information provided by RGI about the cost of testing and associated services may help facilitate coverage for PGT.