Patient registartion

    1. Demographic Information
    2. Pregnancy History
    3. Patient 1's Family
    4. Patient 2's Family
    5. Family History
    6. Carrier Screening

    Patients information

    Patient 1
    Patient 2
    Have you had any prior fertility treatment? (ex. IUI, IVF, etc.)
    Have you had any prior IVF cycles with PGT?

    Pregnancy History

    What were the outcomes of each of these pregnancies?
    [group group-preg1 clear_on_hide]
    Current partner?*
    [group group-preg1-weeks clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-preg2 clear_on_hide]
    Current partner?*
    [group group-preg2-weeks clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-preg3 clear_on_hide]
    Current partner?*
    [group group-preg3-weeks clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-preg4 clear_on_hide]
    Current partner?*
    [group group-preg4-weeks clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-preg5 clear_on_hide]
    Current partner?*
    [group group-preg5-weeks clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-preg6 clear_on_hide]

    Patient 1's Family

    Patient 1
    My general health is:*
    Patient 1's father
    [group group-alive-f-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-death-f-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-alive2-f-p1 clear_on_hide]
    My father's general health is:*
    Patient 1's mother
    [group group-alive-m-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-death-m-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-alive2-m-p1 clear_on_hide]
    My father's general health is:*
    Patient 1's Siblings
    [group group-brothers-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-sisters-p1 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-b-s-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Do your siblings have any children?*
    [/group] [group group-s-c-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Do you have any Jewish ancestry?*
    Are you Ashkenazi Jewish ?

    Patient 2's Family

    Patient 2
    My general health is:*
    Patient 2's father
    [group group-alive-f-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-death-f-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-alive2-f-p2 clear_on_hide]
    My father's general health is:*
    Patient 2's mother
    [group group-alive-m-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-death-m-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [/group] [group group-alive2-m-p2 clear_on_hide]
    My mother's general health is:*
    Patient 2's Siblings
    [group group-brothers-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-sisters-p2 clear_on_hide]
    [group group-b-s-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Do your siblings have any children?*
    [/group] [group group-s-c-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Do you have any Jewish ancestry?*
    Are you Ashkenazi Jewish ?

    Family History

    Please answer for both patients' sides of the family.

    Have you or any blood relatives had any of the following (including grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins, but excluding relative by marriage)? If "Yes", please indicate which family member(s) and provide details.

    Is there a blood relation between Patient 1 and Patient 2 (i.e. consanguinity, for example cousins or otherwise related?*
    [group group-blood-relation clear_on_hide]
    Patient 1
    Multiple miscarriages (3 or more)*
    [group group-miscarriages-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Still birth*
    [group group-miscarriages-still-birth-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Early death (under age 50)*
    [group group-early_death-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Birth defects*
    [group group-birth_defects-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Intellectual disabilities or mental retardation*
    [group group-disabilities-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Cancer under age 50*
    [group group-cancer_u50-p1 clear_on_hide]
    Patient 2
    Multiple miscarriages (3 or more)*
    [group group-miscarriages-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Still birth*
    [group group-miscarriages-still-birth-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Early death (under age 50)*
    [group group-early_death-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Birth defects*
    [group group-birth_defects-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Intellectual disabilities or mental retardation*
    [group group-disabilities-p2 clear_on_hide]
    Cancer under age 50*
    [group group-cancer_u50-p2 clear_on_hide]

    Carrier Screening

    Have either you or your partner had universal carrier screening or carrier screeing performed for common genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), or Fragile X syndrome? If "Yes" please provide reports using the upload link. Alternatively, you may fax reports to 847-400-1516.

    Patient 1
    Universal carrier screening*
    Cystic fibrosis*
    Fragile X syndrome*
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)*
    Patient 2
    Universal carrier screening*
    Cystic fibrosis*
    Fragile X syndrome*
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)*